• School Life

Facilities At KIES

Facilities At KIES

At KIES the facilities offered by the school are outstanding and ensure that a stimulating and safe learning environment is available and appropriate for the age and educational needs of each pupil.

The school is separated into age specific areas. The Early Years area is reserved for the younger children and they can safely play both indoors and outdoors and receive a full and complete learning experience.

Students in the Primary and Secondary Departments receive an excellent all round education making use of specialist science labs, drama studios, smart ICT suites, a library, a specialist music department and an excellent, well-equipped Art and Design Technology Centre. In addition to these facilities there are also an excellent indoor sports hall, squash courts and an indoor swimming pool.

School Facilities

Squash Area, Graphic Design studio, Graphic Design Lab, Main School Yard, Back School Yard, Shops, KG and Rec Class Rooms, KG and Rec Play Area, Music Classes, Uniform Store, Swimming Pools, ICT Labs, Science Labs, , Drama Gallery, Art Classes and GYM

KIES Facilities

Squash Area

Graphic Design studio

Graphic Design Lab

Main School Yard

Back School Yard


KG and Rec Class Rooms

KG and Rec Play Area

Music Classes

Uniform Store

Swimming Pools

ICT Labs

Science Labs

Drama Gallery

Art Classes